Carlos Weekly Report
This week I worked on setting up the demo and integrating the range sensor code with Zeyi and Zehong’s pipelines. I also worked on the viability of altering our design to include two forward facing range sensors. To measure the viability of altering our design to include 2 forward facing sensors, I decided to create a model of what a single range sensor is capable of doing. This involved doing the trigonometry to solve for the distance of the field…
Carlos Report Update
In the past week I have been testing the detection ranges of the range sensor. I ran multiple instances of 2 experiments. The first experiment measures the accuracy of range sensor outputs from a known distance from the wall. This experiment was run multiple times by varying the distance from the wall and logging the sensor outputs to a spreadsheet. The 2nd experiment varies the angle that the sensor points at an object. I varied the angle from 3 degrees…
Carlos’s Sensor Testing Update
3/8 Team Progress week 4
This past week we placed the final orders for all our parts, began the initial assembly of the AutoCart system, started interfacing the Raspberry Pi with the line following sensors, and are working on the user inteface that customers will interface with. These are all being done in parallel in order to maximize efficiency. We are striving to have the line following sensor interface and user interface done by the end of spring break in order to start system integration…
Zeyi Progress Week 1
After speaking with Jiaqi (TA), we got a better understanding of how the Raspberry Pi would communicate with the User’s device. He told us to look into websocket ( It can establish an asynchronous connection between the system that the webapp is on and the Raspberry Pi. It is easy to use with templates provided. He suggests that we can work towards an user interface with an lcd display ( for MVP, which is easier to implement and does not…
2/16 Carlos and Zehong Progress Week 1
We have found 2 separate iRobot Create API python wrappers that we want to test on the Roomba in order to verify that all of the listed functions work as intended. The first API that we found is: . And the second is: The second API claims to provide all of the functions from the original iRobot Create API (linked below) and is the one we will choose if it truly has all of the functions implemented. Otherwise,…
2/16 Team Progress Week 1
This week we focused on the design of the webapp interface with the Raspberry Pi and the Roomba API that will let us interface the RPi with the Roomba.