- Researched and understood how to connect the Raspberry Pi to the iRobot Create 2 in order to control the robot using Python API on raspberry Pi. Learned how to make a 5v to 3.3v stepper since the Create 2 Serial Port uses 5V logic-level asynchronous serial communication; but the Raspberry Pi is a 3.3V devices.
- Updated our Bill of Material to include all the necessary parts for both the connection between Raspberry Pi and iRobot and the stepper.
- Looked into different types of line following sensors and their corresponding algorithms. The easiest one uses only two IR bulbs and the algorithm is as simple as if right IR bulb detects line, turn right, if left IR bulb detects line, turn left. Since the IR sensors are the simplest ones here and only give 1/0 values, this algorithm does not allow PID control and yields not smooth line following. This is our last resort plan if all other algorithms fail.
- I then found a more advanced line following sensor that is an integrated circuit board that incorporates 6 IR bulbs in a line. This sensor gives more detailed sensor values that allows for PID control.