Andrew’s Status Update for 3/15

We focused heavily on aspects of our design report that needed to be fleshed out and added more technical details to describe how our project would work. I worked on a variety of sections, but focused mainly on how the OpenCV portions of the project would work. I worked on fleshing out some different aspects of the OpenCV pipeline, including extra testing of what has already been worked on. Overall last week (of school before spring break) was super rough for me, so I’ve been a bit behind.

Next week will be focused on figuring out what our new project will be and overall what to do given everything that has happened.  Super up in the air right now.

Team Status Update for 2/29

This week we have all been hard at work on our individual tasks, but as a team we’ve been sifting through the feedback we were given on our project and have been looking for ways to incorporate it into our report. We have made progress on ordering materials and are looking forward to making a prototype for the frame next week.

One of the big takeaways from the design review is that we need to make real measurements of our current runtimes, which is something we’ve been struggling with since the Duvetyne fabric that will improve the tap-detection and provide a consistent background for the CV software has not yet arrived. We expect that when it arrives, hopefully this week, we will be able to make these measurements and assess our progress more quantitatively.

Andrew’s Status Update for 2/29

This week we’ve all been hard at work on our report and reviewing the feedback we got from our presentation.  I have been continuing to refine the thresholding for our piece segmentation as well as playing around with some feature extraction methods.  Right now I am still running into trouble with background noise of the surface we are using, but that should theoretically be fixed by the time the new surface we will be using comes in. If not I’ve done some preliminary research on how to fix it, but they would likely require tuning for that specific surface and It is a problem that would make more sense facing when we know what our final surface will be.

Here is my use of ORB feature detection method, but as you can see by the red dots it is picking up a lot of the features from my laptop case.

Team Status Update for 2/22

This week we have all been working on bringing our product up to where we are hoping to be for our midsemester demo. So far we have run into a few issues with some of the technologies, but seems to be moving forward after some minor hiccups. For instance, the Leap Motion controller has difficulty detecting hands while the hands are close to a reflective surface. We are hoping to solve this by covering the work area with a light absorbing material. We will be purchasing and testing Duvetyne for this purpose. We are putting together our presentation, designing the physical frame, and creating the preliminary CV pipeline we will be using. We’ve placed some orders for parts and have been able to use some from the department.  So far things seem like they’re on a good path.

Andrew’s Status Update for 2/22

This week has been pretty good! I’ve been playing around with a bunch of different ways of thresholding a puzzle piece using a combination of methods and combinations of methods. These each seem to have their strengths but combining most of these methods with OTSU seems to generate helpful results.  These should be solid enough to be able to extract which blob is the actual piece and the next step is to try to match up  the piece to where it should fall on the image itself. Furthermore I’ve been playing around with the CLAHE (Contrast Limited AHE) method in order to normalize lighting conditions in the images, as we foresee this potentially being a problem as the user is moving around and depending on how glossy the puzzle ends up being. (we may have to use some light diffusing material like tissue paper to physically create a more even lighting condition on the pieces).

Andrew’s Status Update for 2/15

Happy Valentine’s Day!

This week I’ve been working on setting up OpenCV as well as going through its documentation for the parts we are intending on using for this project. Furthermore, I was able to get the projector we are intending on using and we did some preliminary testing to ensure that it would be powerful enough for our needs. Furthermore, I have been refining how our algorithm will work as to hopefully be able to optimize responsiveness and help create more fluidity in the use of our project.