This week involved an assortment of minor things, such as fixing small bugs, gathering some statistics about our project, and working on a slideshow for Monday’s presentation. We patched bugs related to how our audio manager parses certain file types, and how the backend shuts down after being stopped by a user on the frontend. We had a few users try out our project and collected some feedback. We also collected some backend latency measurements which stacked up nicely to our initial goals, especially for digital effects. We also met for a while on Saturday to develop our presentation slideshow.
Going forward, the next big milestone is Monday’s presentation (slides will appear in next week’s status report or in a new blog post this week). After that, our attention will turn to the poster and final report. We also may end up fixing any minor issues we discover as we prep for the public demo, but for the most part we think our codebase is pretty much in its final state right now.