Status Update – Joseph (03/02/2019)

I spent a good portion of my time this week working on the design review with my team. In addition to putting our slides together and refining what we had from the first presentation, we also spent time with Matt to rehearse the presentation. We also discussed some elements of our design report that we would need to modify from our presentation, like the schedule.

On the developmental side of things, I definitely didn’t get as much done as I would have liked. By this week, I had planned to finish working on the audio processor and hop on to working on the simulator with Matt. However, I didn’t foresee the midterms and projects that piled up on me this week. Thus, I am hoping to spend more time next week and during spring break to catch back up. I haven’t made much progress in terms of the audio processor, but it being a fairly simple module, I’m confident I can finish it in the next few days. By next week, I plan to finish design report, the ethics presentation, and a component (i.g. A diode) that Matt hasn’t implemented yet for the circuit simulator.

I also plan to go over with the team to create a more finely granulated schedule for the weeks ahead. It’d be productive to have our tasks broken up into smaller chunks so that we can keep ourselves at pace and be on track.

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