Final Project Report
Here is the link to our final Project Report: Final Project Report Team D7 We hope that you enjoyed our project.
Here is the link to our final Project Report: Final Project Report Team D7 We hope that you enjoyed our project.
Click inside post to get the links: Here is the link to the Final Project Presentation: Final Project Presentation Team D7 PianoMan Here is the link to the Project Poster for Demo Day: POSTER Team D7
Week 15 (Final Week): Created and Presented Final Project presentation (by Vanessa). Created and Submitted Poster for Demo Day next week. Working on getting bugs fixed and all systems running smoothly by weekend to be ready fro Demo Day next Monday. Will work on Final Project Report with team as well this week. On schedule Next week: Final Demo Day
Accomplishments for Week 14: Prepared and presented our final In-Lab demo for final feedback. Preparing for final presentation next week by working on PPT and the Poster for Final demo. Working on fixing BPM bugs with Vanessa. Entire flow of pipeline working very well at this stage. Looking into adding another feature on LED matrices for performance sharing with user – display of correct keys in conjunction with keys played by the user. This can happen if Vanessa can convert…
Accomplishments for Week 13: Full automation of LED program from Lizzy’s OMR side (MusicXML file and start text file) as well as Vanessa’s side (end text file with performance scores). Ran user studies with five people for feedback on teaching system. Got varied feedback about complexity during first try but that it gets better with more playing. They would love real-time feedback in the future but are okay with feedback on various measures at the end of the song. Video…
Accomplishments for week 12: Completed Beats-per-minute conversion to 5 fixed options (Very fast, fast, medium, slow, Very slow) in my code as well as for performance evaluator code. We decided on creating one front end GUI (on Lizzy’s side) for user to select their options and these selections will be sent in a text file to the Pi and also the performance evaluator for optimal performance. Receiving of Text file indicates start of LED teaching module for that outputXML song…
Accomplishments for Week 11: Added menu features and welcome features to the start of the piano teaching module code. Displays name of song being played. Added automation features to start playing outputXML.xml file when found in correct folder after execution. Added features to take complexity choice input of Treble, Bass or Both from user as well as input about Beats-per-minute to be incorporated into module algorithm so that the Performance Evaluation program can correctly determine score. Video recorded for start…
Our team is still on schedule based on our original schedule. So far, no major risks have come up and major contingency plans haven’t been formed. In general, the risks are that something just becomes trickier or take longer than we expected so our schedule will be compensated and we will need to reevaluate needs at the time and how to adjust our schedule. We are waiting on feedback from our Mid Semester demo to make extensive changes if needed…
Accomplishments for Week 10: Preparing for Mid semester demo by testing integration pipeline with the rest of the team. Ran dry-runs of the demo to present “Swans on the Lake” song on the entire pipeline. Fixed some timing bugs on the display algorithm. Made list of features and improvements to be done for my part after mid semester demo. Tested MusicXML files created my Lizzy’s program on my matrix chain while Vanessa played along with it and tested her performance…
Accomplishments for Week 9: Finished algorithm for parsing XML and MusicXML files to extract data about song notes. Storing data in SongNote struct that each contains Step, Alter, Octave, Type and Staff information of each key being pressed on the piano keyboard. Am creating three different kinds of SongNote categories – Treble clef (Right hand), Bass clef (Left hand) and Rests in both clefs. Can read any possible song’s xml and MusixXML files now. Finished algorithm to convert SongNote structs…