Lizzy’s Status 4/20
WOOOOOOO!!! This week was so exciting. I knew I was getting close to being pretty much done, at least with stuff for the final demo, and today I was able to give the OMR side a totally new song that I had never run it on before and it processed it almost flawlessly (no errors, one accent on the wrong note). It was a fairly complex song too with accents, eighth notes, rests, dots, etc. I cried.
In general this week was a ton of debugging. At the end of last week I felt pretty good about where the OMR side was at, but when I gave it a new song (“You’ve got a friend in me”) to test eighth note stuff, it kept throwing errors at stuff I wasn’t expecting it to hit. Turns out it was a great song to debug with because it has examples of lots of things in the song with out being super long and doesn’t take awhile to process.
But anyway today was a pretty great day.
For this next week I really plan to work on finding the correct duration of barred notes (eighth or sixteenth), adding a gui for if certain components are not recognizable, allowing the user to classify them and then add them to the template gallery, and trying to break it some more. See what we can throw at it.
It’s an exciting time in pianoMan land though.