Lizzy’s Status 4/13
This week I was working on a GUI interface for the client side of our project. Our team discussed what should be included here earlier this week and we decided on the path to the pdf, the song name (since I am not recognizing it), the speed (1-5), and whether to play with only treble, base, or both. I worked on making it pretty, and while it is not the most stunning UX, I think it comes across pretty nicely. It also handles problems like when the user forgets to select something, and allows the user to wait between processing and actually starting the song by sending the Pi two files, one musicXML like before and one txt file telling it to start, speed, hands, etc.
For the next week/few days, I plan to work on creating a “library” where if a song from the same song path has already been processed, it doesn’t need to process it again, and will just send the same xml and start file. This will allow the user to play the same song multiple times (practice), without having to wait for reprocessing each time. I also want to start working on processing connected notes, like eighth notes.