Alli’s Status Update
Spent the beginning of the week trying to get bluetooth communication ready to demo, only to realize the framework that I have been using will not be able to work for what we need. I finally figured out the details of the bluetooth peripherals built in to the raspberry pi (its documentation is sketchy at best), and I do not believe there is any way to send a script from the iOS application to start our program on the raspberry pi using this. However, I did discover a Node.js module called Bleno that enables you to implement your own BLE peripherals, so the second half of the week was spent doing that. I believe I have implemented this almost entirely by now, just finishing up changing things in the iOS app to recognize this new peripheral. Really hoping this is the solution, or else we will have to switch to either creating a WiFi hotspot on the phone and using that for communication with the pi or wiring the phone directly to the pi.