Mitchell Update 3/31 – 4/6
This week we presented our demo, we were able to each demonstrate our individual parts, but we were not far enough along into integration to demo working together. I presented, three lidars working in conjunction, the 3d printed mount, and a very basic lidar detection algorithm
Worked on having the wearable be self-sustained. Meaning integrating the Pi and battery pack into the belt. And wiring the sensors from the chest harness to the pi. (pictured below). Bolted the LiDAR sensors to the 3d printed mount and mounted that to the chest harness. placed a temporary mount (duct tape) for the camera since our better pi optical sensor has yet to arrive.
The preliminary incoming-object detection algorithm
Implemented a basic algorithm that detects objects within a threshold of distances (like say 5-8meters) and filters out outlier data. Just a simple way to demo that the sensors can detect an incoming object from a distance and start running the rest of our pipeline once integrated.
Next Week:
Code to configure modes of lidar sensors on setup LiDAR
Safe bootup of lidars – print debugging information if lidar fails for ease on demo day and debugging
Integrate advanced lidar incoming object detection algorithm.