Weekly Status Report (5/5) – Neeraj
This week was spent getting the project ready for the demo and testing the mvp_prototype constantly. We experimented and fine tuned many of the parameters in our implementation to find what gives us the best results. We also collected many new sets of data, including new sets for stranger data and much higher quality recognition training images from ourselves.
At this point, things are on schedule as it is the end and we have a working mvp, and since it is the last week there are no deliverables in the up coming week except for the report.
Group status report (5/5)
This week we spent most of the time live testing. We collected new data and tested our system in various lighting conditions. The final results are good and we are hoping that we will have a successful demo on Monday.
Weekly Status Report 5/05 – Omar
This week we did a lot of fine-tuning with the project. I wrote a script that easily collects training and stranger data. The user just has to change facial expressions while the script collects data and sanitizes it. We also improved a lot of the parameters used in the mvp prototype script (stranger E2 and cosine thresholds for example. We also collected a lot more data and realized that the more data we have the better it performs.
Weekly Status Report – Kevan (5/5)
This week I spent a lot of time on testing and fine tuning parameters for detection. The cascading classifier has been integrated into the mvp and is producing solid results. I also worked on the face alignment code to help get it integrated into the mvp. A lot of time was spent on live testing the entire system, and fine-tuning all the parts.