Status Update: Week 11


This week I worked with Manini to complete the connection between the UI and the AWS instance. It is now able to send and receive images from the cloud and display it for users to see. I also worked with Karen to work out a few bugs with movement such as what to do when an obstacle is at a point of interest. Finally, I made the UI more robust against bugs. I also worked on the poster and presentation.

Next week I plan to work until the demo time and also work on the report.


This week I worked on fixing the last of the edge cases associated with the bot’s movement. This included dealing with the situation where an obstacle was on top of the point of interest. I made sure that the protocol stopped beforehand and took pictures and then adjusted the following point so that the related distance was changed. I also had to work on the case where the obstacle had to move off the grid to avoid an obstacle. We also worked on testing the integration of all the subsystems so that every part worked off of one laptop on one script. This week I also worked on the final presentation slides.

Next week I plan on doing last minute testing before the demo and then working on the final report.


This week I ran more evaluation tests on my model and worked with Joseph to fix the integration issues between my pipeline script and his UI script. We also transferred all the code and scripts for the robot and UI onto my laptop since the demo will be running on my laptop. This week we also finished the project poster and had our final presentation on Monday.

This weekend we will finish integration and testing. Karen and Joseph will also finish edge case handling and we will run multiple end to end tests to ensure that our project is demo ready for Monday.


  • What are the most significant risks that could jeopardize the success of the project? How are these risks being managed? What contingency plans are ready?


  • Were any changes made to the existing design of the system (requirements, block diagram, system spec, etc)? Why was this change necessary, what costs does the change incur, and how will these costs be mitigated going forward?
