Final Demo
Status Report #11
This week, I worked to finish the software and make the project demo ready. It was a huge effort, and required well over 24 hours of work this week. In addition to working on presentations, I helped debug hardware and met with my team to discuss our progress. On the software side, I integrated my audio streaming and networking libraries with the headphone controls software, and worked with my team on implementing and testing our intra-headphone communication lines. I also conducted software tests and analyzed the data for our poster and report.
A detailed discription of this weeks work from the software side can be seen in our git log. Since last Sunday, we’ve made over a combined 32 commits to our software repo.
This week I completed a majority of what I set out to do from my previous status report. Ethan and I worked to integrate our code to have a cohesive software to flash on our chips. We also worked to add a few more features, such as I2C communication. Now we can pass audio data over I2S, as well as general software data, mainly FSM, over I2C. The cups for the encolsure also finished printing and I am putting the finishing touches on them for Winston to fit his PCBs into. I am working now to finish the software and get the hardware set in the enclosure for Monday.
Lorem Ipsum
We worked this week to finish our final presentation as well as the poster board for the final demo. This week we just pushed to get our final project together. We created a backup setup for our demo in case anything happens to the main setup over this weekend. This involved laying out the backup components on a board in such a way that the layout of our system is more clear and we can label each components. Thus we can speak to each component of our system and how the software works with it. Regarding the main project, we are finishing up debugging the PCB, our software, and placing items into our enclosure.
Status Report #10
This week was focused on system performance and the high level software. I was involved in extensive talks with my teammates about the implementation of high level software. I also ported the SBC encoder and decoder from Bluedroid in order to work with our software. It resulted in 4.4 times less data being used for the same amount of music. I also worked on the presentation for our project. This next week, we plan to finish the implementation of the high level software, and get it running on the final hardware.
This week I completed what I set out to do from my previous status report. The dispatch has been completed and ran as expected during the demo. Additionally, the final design for the enclosure cups has been established. It is scheduled to be printed, but not in time to include images for the Final Presentation. For this last week before the Final Public Demo, I will be working along with Ethan to finish the high-level software that has the two ESP32s in each cup working together, as well as then connecting to the hardware Winston is finishing up.
Lorem Ipsum
At this point, we are simply working to complete our system for the demo. We are aware that there will be much debugging to be done when all the components come together, but we are prepared to work together to get this completed (along with the Final Presentation and Demo Poster) in the next week.