Team Status Report for 9/23

This week, we researched more parts for our power requirements of our system.  We looked into USBC Male to Female Jumper cables for our system and looked at different battery packs with different power budgets.

As we continued researching, several risks emerged. Our original design planned to account for tempos up to 180 BPM. Feedback from instructors, however, indicated that it may be overly ambitious to attempt to build a completely robust audio filtering system at 180 BPM. 

Our system design and priorities are also evolving. Since eye tracking will serve as the foundation of our page turning, adding another foundational technology – like audio alignment – to our system may be delegated to post-MVP additions. We are continuing to look into the audio alignment portion of our system, and plan to decide before next week whether this design change is one we want to follow through with.

This upcoming Monday, we are meeting with Dr. Dueck who has taken a keen interest in our project. We intend to discuss our proposed design, gain a better perspective regarding our use case, and understand how we will be collaborating with her.

In terms of welfare, we purposely designed this system to be fully operational with just the user’s eyes. This allows people who cannot operate a foot pedal, like those who may be paralyzed below the waist, to also not have to deal with flipping a page during a performance. Although the foot pedal system is cheap and simple, this simplicity ultimately excludes a percentage of musicians, which we view as unfair. Therefore, the goal of our system is to include those who were excluded by a solution that failed to account for a significant percentage of musicians.

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