At the start of the week on Sunday, I worked with Sherry and Olek on the final presentation slides. On Tuesday Olek and I figured out a way to mount the force sensitive resistors on the inside of the keyboard such that the user can play the keyboard normally without worrying about exactly hitting the sensors. I ordered clincher connectors to wire up the sensors, as it is not advised to solder directly to the tabs. These connectors are a bit finnicky, however, so I spent some time improving the connectors’ connections to the sensors. Afterwards I mounted the sensors to the underside of the keys and routed the wires out the back of the keyboard through a hole that Olek and I drilled previously. Lastly, Sherry, Max and I worked to write up the final poster PPT on Thursday.
For the upcoming week, I will work to prepare for the final demo on Monday. I still need to clean up the wiring from the sensors to the PCB as well wire up a start, stop, and pause button on a breadboard which shouldn’t take too much time. I will complete these tasks tomorrow (Sunday). I believe I am on schedule but will start these tasks early afternoon tomorrow in case anything goes amiss. Lastly I will work with my teammates to write the final report due next Friday.