Over the past week, Olek and I have been working together to test the force sensing resistors. Olek set up the Raspberri Pi and I gathered the breadboard, resistors, and LEDs to test the sensors. We were able to validate that the sensor press could be detected by running a simple script that outputs a print statement when the sensor is pressed. We also tested the response time of the Raspberry Pi returning sensor data.
Additionally, I made some last minute changes and am almost done laying out the board. It took a while to get used to using Altium and learning about board layout, but it should be done by Sunday midnight and ready to order by midday Monday. I am a couple weeks behind schedule with the PCB, but to mitigate this issue I am planning on using our leftover budget to expedite the manufacturing and shipping of the PCB itself and accompanying components.
My goals for this week are to finish the layout this weekend, order the board, receive it, and get it reflowed. I want to have it finished and be ready to test by midway through the following week.