Joshna Status 11/11/2023

This week I spent a lot of time preparing for the demo and making sure that everything worked with every change. With the interim demo this week and our demo with the LAMP advisory group next week, I spent this week adding contractions to the contracted translation. I also worked on making the translation from the braille translation to what the solenoids do and I have it working for the solenoids being 12×16 lines apart and I have it tentatively working for 4×4 lines apart since that is a more reasonable expectation of the mechanical elements and it would allow this to be print much more efficiently as it won’t have to print the entire page if less than half the page is needed. Zeynep and I also worked together on integrating and improving the frontend and backend. I debugged the translation and database extraction functions with basic and edge testing. I have started working on the rpi to arduino connection and the plan is to be able to do a full pipeline control of the solenoids by EOD Monday. I have also started working on opencv because I would love to be able to make our website as accessible as possible.

Each function in each of the backend files requires testing. So far, I have done basic and edge case testing on the translation functions, database creation and extraction functions, and the main backend file. I have also worked with Zeynep to do this testing for different searches and printing of notes. The bulk of what I plan to work on in the next 2 weeks is a comprehensive stress testing file that will test each of these functions for 50 random inputs and 50 popular inputs and compare it to the expectation and I will do the same for the full pipeline.

Along with working on stress testing, I also plan to spend the next week webscraping and creating a cache. I am on schedule and all of our schedule goals appear to be attainable as of yet.

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