ABET #7 says: An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies
As you’ve now established a set of sub-systems necessary to implement your project, what new tools are you looking into learning so you are able to accomplish your planned tasks?
I have been learning a lot about how to use CSS, Javascript, and HTML to develop the web-app. I have minimal front-end experience, so I have been spending a lot of time reading documentation and learning how to use these to best implement or web-app to fit our user needs. I have also been learning how to use CAD software to iterate on our design to ensure our building/integration process goes as smoothly as possible. I am also familiarizing myself more with using a RPi with the solenoids.
What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or
photos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours).
These last two weeks, I focused on the design review document, and working on the web-app.
For the design review document, I helped write the introduction, use-case requirements, architecture, design requirements, trade studies, implementation, and tests. I also created some of the figures included in the document, such as the system block diagram or the solenoid mechanism figure.
I also incorporated some feedback and changes into our overall design for the electromechanical embossing system with the addition of two more solenoids into our design. This involved recalculating our timing, and re-adjusting our solenoid system design. Once these changes were in place, I also began working on the PCB design. I added the components for the solenoid system. Becky will be in charge of other parts of the PCB.
After submitting the design review, I continued working on our web-app. We are aiming to start user studies on the front-end next week, so my goal is to have the basic framework done by then. I have attached screenshots of the pages I have implemented, which will all communicate with and display results from our back-end once the database is complete.
Progress and Deliverables
This week did have a lot of slack for me because of fall break, but I am planning on putting in extra hours to finish up the front-end before user-studies. I have also placed my orders for components and will finish up PCB design for the solenoid system, and begin building with my team members leading up to the interim demo.