What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or
photos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours).
This week, I began researching UI considerations for the web-app of our project and began familiarizing myself with JavaScript. I read through the Apple Accessibility Software Kit documentation, which informs developers on how to make design decisions that are compatible with the Apple accessibility features. I researched design decisions that can be made (ex: color, font choice) that make a site more reasonable to users who are not completely blind. I also tested websites that are popular amongst blind users, such as directionsforme.org and experimented with Apple’s accessibility features to better inform the design of our web-app. Based on this research, I drafted the wireframe for our web-app, outlining its basic functionalities.
This week, I also had the opportunity to conduct a user interview. I learned about different technologies that blind users already use in their daily lives. This will inform the design of our website as we aim to make it compatible with existing technologies. Some examples of this being a braille display keyboard that allows her to type and glasses that scan text and convert it to speech. From the user-interview, I also learned about examples of bad design and apps that were not compatible with accessibility softwares. I conducted a user interview and received feedback on the usability of the web-app’s interface based on the wireframe I designed.
I also researched existing braille embossers and their mechanisms to better inform the design of my team’s solenoid system. This includes looking into different embossing mechanisms and different types of solenoids. Some design questions I considered include: how many solenoids should our system use, what does the x-y motion look like, and which solenoids provide enough force to emboss the page. I also researched into fly-back voltage considerations when using solenoid systems, and began modeling/drafting the circuit diagram and calculating which solenoids will satisfy the considerations of the embosser.
Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?
My progress is currently on schedule with the Gantt chart.
What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?
In the next week, I will incorporate the user’s feedback into the wireframe of our web-app, complete the user-flow, and begin designing the mock-up of the site. I will complete modeling the solenoid system and create a full schematic diagram.