This week, I worked more on interfacing the sensors with the board. I was able to solder some wires to the sensors to wires for them to connect to the board. Additionally, I did more research on the sensors and their resistance limit. I’m fairly sure the resistors I put in place (10K) will suffice for any amount of combination for sensor resistances, but I will also look into increasing the resistance limit for more calibration purposes. I also explored the layout that we would like to use for the sensor and board placement on the glove. Next week, I will focus on soldering the PCB since it will likely arrive in the next few days, and attaching everything to the glove for a working model. We will also decide on which battery to use, as we would like it to be as light as possible. We are looking into 5V batteries with around 2000mAh since our tests indicated this would be sufficient power for more than 2-3 hours, which was our requirement. We will most likely order a backup battery and connect via usb. We are largely on track for this project and will look into getting more data and running more tests when the board arrives.