This week, I was able to establish a BLE connection between the ESP32 and our Python receiver, and I worked on a simple script that created a connection between the Python client and the ESP32 server (BLE uses server/client terminology in a different way from the traditional definition). I spent some time exploring creating the connection via an MQTT server since BLE hadn’t been working, but ultimately, I got the code to work and found the BLE code to be simpler for demo purposes.
I’m also currently working on the interim demo. I’m making a more specific flow chart of what will be processed locally and what specifically will be sent to the Python receiver to get our glove to transmit data and actually get our sensors to register keystrokes and movement onscreen.
With regards to the Gantt chart, I think I’ve caught up a little bit, but not having our IMU for a while and the BLE issues set back our tasks slightly. Having this BLE communication protocol done will allow me to finish keystroke detection likely within the week so Rosina and I can really focus on the IMU portion.