This week, I worked on polishing the PCB we have for the project. I made the traces larger on the schematic for power routing, and realized that the reason why our PCB kept short circuiting was because it was a two sided PCB. Next steps for next week would be to sand off the bottom of the PCB and solder on the pin headers needed for the board. We received the IMU as well and starting tomorrow I will working on interfacing the main board with the IMU, setting up I2C communication, and figuring out how to derive information from the IMU. Since we already soldered jumper wires to the IMU, I will need to connect the reset, interrupt, power, ground, and communication pins to the ESP32. There were no considerable changes made to our final design, and we are still on track for our final presentation. We will work on patching up our design and creating a demonstration for the interim demos next week.