This week, I worked on trying to get communication between the ESP32 and our Python receiver to work via BLE. I also helped Sarah talk through some ideas while she worked on our PCB. I wasn’t able to get Bluetooth to work with my M1 even using a different Python package, so I may fall back on our backup plan of either using a VM/different OS or trying WiFi with the ESP32. I also worked on the ethics assignment individually and with my group for the group discussion portion. I was unfortunately sick for most of the week as well, so I am a bit behind schedule with regards to our Gantt chart. To get back on track, I will spend the first half of the week catching up with my other classes including a makeup exam until Tuesday, and then dedicate the rest of the week to working on capstone. During my breaks in the first half of the week, I’ll also read up on WiFi projects and set up my VM so I can get started with our backup plans as soon as Wednesday hits.