We figured out we needed a PCB to interface the microcontroller with the sensor peripherals we have as well as the IMU. This week, I started working on the PCB design we need for the board. I created a part on Fusion 360 for the ESP32 development board, as well as a footprint and 3D model. After that, I started working on creating a layout for where we want each peripheral to connect to the board and the power routing for each sensor. Since this week we scheduled for slack, we are still on schedule. We are awaiting arrival of the IMU we ordered so we can start interfacing via I2C and experimenting with the various sensors on the board. In the next week, we hope to receive the IMU, and start interfacing it with the ESP32.
As for new tools we are currently looking into for the project, I am personally looking more into PCB fabrication, specifically using a PCB milling machine to make our new board for interfacing. Hopefully after researching the required software, I will be able to create a PCB that is suitable for our purposes and fits the ESP32 development board correctly.