This week, we received our board (ESP32S) and touch sensors. I started testing out the board to see how we could boot it and ended up using Arduino IDE to code. I created a simple testing structure where we could measure the relevant thresholds for each sensor and validate their functionality. I connected a touch sensor each to an ADC pin and outputted a prompt when each sensor was triggered. Some notes found were:
- When not triggered, each sensor has a different value, but all seem to be under 1000 after ADC calculations, so for validation purposes we set our thresholds to this value.
- When pressed, each sensor value reaches to on average 4000 after ADC calculations, but one of the sensors only seemed to reach 2000 with similar force.
- There seems to be a bit of variance throughout each sensor for values, so we will have to document which sensors these are and do slightly different calibrations for each sensor.
Additionally, after some confusing results, I discovered that two of the pins on the board were shorted together, pins D4 and D15, which unfortunately are both ADC pins. Since we’re not exactly sure the orientation of each sensor relative to the board, we will need to purchase a different board for the final design.
Since we have finished thresholding and setting up the sensors, we are on track for the project. Next week, we plan on receiving the other sensors and starting on IMU calculations, while also starting to map out specific placement for the sensors on the glove and how they interact with the board. I also realized during this process that we will likely need to create and order a PCB for power and signal mapping, so I will start on this next week as well.