These past two weeks I tested the robot intake with Serena and Mae, worked on ordering more necessary parts for the robot, updated the CAD to add passive wheels and worked on the Design Report. For the robot intake, I wanted to figure out a way to test it out without attaching it to a motor and figuring everything out. I realized if we used a drill to imitate the motor we could test it. The only issue I ran into was the shaft was 1/2 hex which wouldn’t fit into a standard drill chuck. So I asked around at Tech Spark and found tools that would help make it work. After making it work we assembled the intake and tested it at varying speeds and water bottle types. It will work and the rest of the robot can start to be built now. However after putting together the intake and seeing the parts that came I realized we needed a few more things to make everything work so I did more research and placed 2 more parts orders. One of them has already arrived and the other has been ordered. Serena and I also went to Home Depot to pick up the wood for our robot.
As for the design report and CAD, I updated the CAD to include passive front wheels and worked on various sections of the design report. Overall, I believe we are on track and I am ready to do more prototyping and building of the robot.