Team status report 11/5

Last week our team was able to make 1 robot follow an arbitrary path in the field. This week our goal was to robust-ify that so we can put pallets on the field and have the robot pick them up!


We fell a little short of that goal but are able to pick up the pallets with a ~50% reliability. The issues we ran into were the planner not being able to find a path occasionally, and the robot doing hard corners around the path being planned.


The first problem with the planner is being actively addressed and the second problem with the hard corners has now been fixed with the updated cubic spline implementation!


We also upgraded the network/communication latency with the robots using multi-threading to give us much better performance with our PID error controller.


Our goal for next week is to continue to improve the pickup reliability via the approach angle and also add multiple robots into the loop!

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