This week, I presented our design proposal and explained how the robots interact with the different components in our software stack. We got the robot controls working with the computer vision code to have a robot move in a straight-line trajectory with both a feedforward term and a feedback term (only a proportional controller). This controller took in the desired next pose from the spoofed path planning and the current pose from the computer vision and outputted the speeds of the two servos. This control scheme was able to reject disturbances in the environment in the form of a person pushing the robot (Video is here). I worked on taking an arbitrary path from the path planning module and computing the feedforward term within our newly defined software interface design. My section seems to be ahead of schedule. By next week, we should be unit testing and integrating the controls, computer vision, and path planning modules to have a single robot follow a given path. I also should work on implementing the controls for picking up and dropping off pallets.