Zachary’s status report 11/5/2022

This week I began writing code to handle requests from the frontend while a person is on the trip. Specifically, I used an index to refer to the location in the cache, where the next checkpoint is for the individual, and I would take the coordinates given by the frontend to calculate the Haversine distance, which converts coordinates to meters. This is not completely done, because I still need to account for when I can increment the index, edge cases like telling the user that they need to wait for a (blind-friendly) crosswalk, and I need to come up with textual feedback to give back to frontend. I was also able to debug the Jupyter notebook app and display the routes I am planning for the user. I am also seeing that given a blind-unfriendly crosswalk, the route is successfully avoiding that crosswlak, which is good.

Tomorrow, I will work with Colin to implement a basic communication protocol between frontend and backend, for the interim demo on Monday.

Next week, I want to finish the request handling module and work more with Colin to develop the communication protocal between frontend and backend.

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