Team Status Report 10/08/2022

Some risks that could jeopardize the success of our project: we have to make sure that when our device is mounted on a user, that it does not move/tilt significantly with respect to the user, as that could affect the coordinates given by our IMU/GPS.  As such, we need to come up with a way to design our device so that it is stable on the user’s body. Another problem is something we discussed during the presentation, which is detecting whether a person is deviating from the route that the device has given them. A significant challenge here is that just because someone’s distance from their next checkpoint is increasing, does not necessarily mean that they are deviating from the path (ie. road could be curved, etc.). There are several ways we could approach this issue; one way could be detecting if a person’s distance to their next checkpoint has increased over the past n epochs. If it has, then we assume they are deviating and reroute them.

Although we haven’t made any explicit changes in our design, we are thinking about adding an input system (probably auditory) that will prompt the user to give directions to where they want to go. This will make our system more complete and give a more well-rounded user experience. We will discuss this in the upcoming week and change our design accordingly.

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