I was able to get the sensor data sending directly from two microcontroller to the raspberry pi by the demo on Monday. We were also able to able to scale up to two base stations. Malavika and I worked on sending and receiving multiple kinds of messages from the web app to the raspberry pi base station. My role was to integrate the messages into the logic of the raspberry pi base station.
The messages we are able to send from the web app to the raspberry pi base station are the following:
STATION:ON/OFF:Station Number
Station Number (1,2,3,4 or 5 (all stations))
On – force station to remain on regardless of the sensor data
Off – go back to just working with the sensor data
On – use mic data
Off – ignore mic data
On – use pir data
Off – ignore pir data
WEIGHT:AUTO/Manual:PIR weight:Mic weight
This is the only one not yet implemented
It allows the user to set the weight of pir data and mic data manual if they wish too
The messages we are able to send from the raspberry pi base station to the web app are the following:
STATION:ON/OFF:Station Number
Station Number (1,2,3,4)
This message is sent from the raspberry pi base station to the web app when a station on/off state changes.
WEIGHT:AUTO/Manual:PIR weight:Mic weight
This is the only one not yet implemented
Send the current weights of pir and mic data either when prompted or when changed.
I was also able to the the lights working by adding a transistor.
Next week the main goal would be to scale up to 4 base stations and figure out the weights of the sensors and placement of the sensors. We also need to send user privacy concern surveys.