This week I spent time gluing and taping the sample chessboard pieces Demi gave me. This took a significant amount of time because I had to remove the wraps and place the pieces properly so there aren’t gaps between them which would make CV hard.
I also tested my algorithm on images of the actual chessboard that Demi sent me. Attached is an image of the results. The first is the original image, the second is with Canny edge detection. The third one contains blue lines which are the slope 0 or infinity lines in the Hough transform. The yellow color on the squares indicates that these are the squares that have been formed by the line. This works as intended.
Another thing I worked on was ensuring that the pieces are detected properly and the contrast is high enough in our board. This worked fine, but I had to ensure that I use the unblurred image for this because otherwise some of the edges don’t remain sharp anymore. I use the blurred for detecting squares so that the image is less noisy, but the pieces are sometimes considered noise. This result is with the unblurred image. All pieces are detected. The actual edges detected don’t matter in our case, we just want to ensure some edges are detected for each piece.
Because Demi has the board I was unable to test on it with actual pieces, but I have been tested on my imperfect sample board. The sample board is harder to work with because the best pieces were picked for the main board so the ones for the sample board aren’t cut as properly.
I wasn’t able to deliver the test metrics on the actual board because I don’t have it yet. I already talked to Byron and Tamal about this and we decided I would give the chess pieces to Demi and ask her to take pictures because she has the board. On Monday, I will give the pieces to Demi. I am also requesting her to bring the board on Monday so I am able to get some time with it on campus and get the pictures I need.
This week, I plan on forming metrics for the actual chessboard on Monday. I am one day behind schedule, but will be caught up on beginning of next week.
After that, I plan to figure how to get the metrics higher if needed and determine if we need any minimum lighting requirements. I will also look into the metric regarding how “inside” a square a piece needs to be to be detected properly. This is a problem with the corners of the board because the tall pieces often have edges outside of the square due to the fact that we are looking top-down. I will look into ways to mitigate this.