This week there was a slight lull in progress, due to two main factors (shipping delays, and external coursework). Despite this, I still made some meaningful steps towards completing the Data Hub. One crucial component, the XBee breakout board, did not arrive until Wednesday, meaning we couldn’t work on configuring the XBees until then. So, at the beginning of the week, I worked on testing the Data Hub’s connection to the backend, making sure all the schemas were aligned and verified for seamless communication. This was successful, and the Data Hub can now communicate with the deployed backend API.
Once the breakout boards arrived on Wednesday, Will and I got to soldering the XBee’s to the breakout boards, so that they can be plugged into regular-sized breadboard inputs. After that, we configured both XBees by using the Arduino as a serial converter.
At the start of next week, we expect that we will be able to begin testing of XBee communication, which is the final big step in our development. Once this is complete, finishing the capstone project will just be a matter of recreating another Data Hub for multiple-workspace use cases. Exciting!