This week, my time was half spent on flashing the RPi with the proper OS and configuring hardware settings to accept GPIO data. Overall, this was a successful endeavor, and I got my data hub code installed on the machine, with all dependencies as well. The second half was spent with Will, helping him with whatever he needed to do to get the sensor connected to the XBee. Fabrication generally takes more time than writing code, so any help I could give, I did.
The work we did this week sets us up well for next week’s interim demos. All three of our components have developed decently, and though we are far from done, we are well on our way. Upon looking at the initial setup for the XBee, it seems like the configuration is going to be fairly straightforward. If everything goes according to plan next week, we should be able to get a full integration test by the middle of the week.
After running an integration test, the next thing to do is fabricate more chairs and one more data hub, to move towards more real-world situational tests. This will put us towards the end of the development cycle for our capstone project.