Here’s all the fun detailed stuff. Feel free to read through as you follow our Capstone journey!
Project Abstract
We kicked off Capstone with the essential project abstract. You can read through our initial thoughts at the link above!
Project Proposal Slides
Can’t have a project without a project proposal, right? Click the link above to check out our proposal slide deck.
Project Requirements Document
We decided to organize all of our project requirements, including our reasoning for each, in a clear, separate document. Here it is, for your viewing pleasure.
Design Review Presentation
Here’s our design review presentation, where we show a much more detailed plan of the project and explain our revised project requirements.
Project ToDo List Breakdown
This is the ToDo list we generated as a result of really “rubber-ducking” our project schedule. It is a much more accurate account of all the development tasks needed to complete the project, in a roughly chronological order. This will form the basis of our schedule.