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Author: tlaroia

Tarana’s Status Update for October 17th

Tarana’s Status Update for October 17th

This week, I finished assembling the full EMG system in accordance with our established protocol. This included taking apart the builtin grounding mechanism of the MyoWare electrodes to connect them all together, and connecting the 5V/REF wires along with the signal wire. The system is modular and flexible enough to work for participants of all sizes, therefore taller/shorter participants with varying arm lengths will still be able to use it. We have shifted our approach slightly in regards to diversifying…

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Tarana’s Status Update for October 10th

Tarana’s Status Update for October 10th

This past week, our parts arrived, so I spent most of my time playing with the hardware and sensors, and designing a system that will connect all eight sensors into the Arduino optimally. I have been soldering wires to all of the sensors individually, and connecting them together with the microcontroller. On the signal processing/software side, I have been sandboxing Arduino code to interface with the eight sensors we intend to us. I have also been exploring options for exporting…

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Tarana’s Status Update for October 3rd

Tarana’s Status Update for October 3rd

This past week, I got the preliminary hardware up and running, including the MyoWare Muscle Sensor System and the sandbox code for it. I tested a single electrode to verify that our chosen hardware would work before we moved forward with it. With this, we now know that our approach is valid.  Here’s some pictures of the process. This was tested on the right brachioradialis muscle, with the reference electrode put on the humeral medial epicondyle.     I also put…

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