Team Status Update for November 21st
This week as a team we are putting pieces together before our third integration test. Early next week we plan to do this final integration test in order to be set to work on the rest of our deliverables for the final submission and demo of this project. We are all moving this/next week because of the holiday so that has been taking up some of our time. Major things that happened this week on the signal side, feature extraction and simulated data are being worked on at the moment. We are possibly considering making a compound classifier, which is common in most applications, because just one isn’t giving us the accuracy we wanted. We are also working on extracting more features and improving the classification accuracy to be greater than the initial 35%. On the software side of the game, we encountered a major unexpected game relating to movement of the character and the internal game time. Once this has been fixed and once the scorekeeping portion of the UI, the game will be ready for the MVP. Next week we will complete our final integration between signals and software and we plan to measure lag time as well as the other metrics we set out for this project.