Team Status Update for 10/31/2020

This week we made a break through with the Django app. We are now able to stream video from the Fire tablets camera to the Django web app using an app called IP Webcam and OpenCV to connect the camera to the web app. It still needs polishing and we still need to test if it can run on the tablet itself but it is decent progress. Our next task after polishing should be to start developing the image processing through OpenCV so we can reduce information in images to be compare to the neural network.

We also went over our Design report feedback and clarified some parts of our design moving forward. Many of the techniques in the report like background subtraction, bounding box, joint extraction, binary pixel->integer encoding aren’t all going to be implemented in combination in the final product, they’re more previously explored feature extraction methods. They were included in the report because we unsure if we would use them due to efficiency tradeoffs. Some of them like joint extraction will take significant effort to build from scratch but there are existing module calls that assist with that, so we can use those for the time being to assess tradeoff and then maybe reimplement on our own if we actually find it useful. So although it sounds like a lot, we think its manageable.

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