Team Status Update for 10/03/2020

This week as we are still in the preliminary stages of our project we decided to take the week to familiarize ourselves with Machine Learning/Deep Learning before we attempt to start implement our own neural networks for ASL recognition. We decided to go through the lectures from 10-601 Introduction to Machine Learning and go through the lectures for Regularization, Neural Networks, Backpropagation, and Deep Learning. Next week we hope to begin looking at Open CV and see how we can get it running on our tablets as well getting the ball rolling by looking through our data sets we found for our ASL recognition model and deciding which one to tackle first. We are currently on track with our project schedule and how to start working on the open cv and data set aspects of the project. Some risks or issues we foresee in the project is us spending a lot of time learning the concept required to implement our project so we’re keeping a close eye on the amount of time we dedicate to studying concepts and we hope to be able to put what we learned into practice with a relatively short turnaround. So far no significant changes have been made to the project and we don’t have any issues currently.

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