Will’s Status Update for 11/15

Will’s Status Update for 11/15

Tasks accomplished this week:

  • Ironed out some data acquisition bugs about resolution and sampling speed (our current design that marks data as ready in callbacks but only does data copying in the run loop will result in poor predictions). As such we will likely do data read/copying in the callback and de-prioritize the OLED update: similarly, we will probably use this to lockstep calling of multiple acousticSL instances.
  • Tried solving Ram’s debugger issue 🙁
  • Investigated into some counters. This paper discusses probabilistic counter updates which argues that probabilistic updates can match other counters with less bit-width (https://zilles.cs.illinois.edu/papers/probabilistic.hpca2006.pdf). The paper also conveniently lists other counters we can use. We will still need some more discussion about how we exactly want to do this based on the # states our OLED can display and counter resilience so our device’s reaction time remains within the target.

Unfortunately couldn’t get as much done as liked during this week. Got a flu shot on Wednesday and then proceeded to get a high fever shortly after. Still recovering so Ram and I will proceed remotely once we do an equipment hand-off.

Tasks for next week:

  • Fully implement 4 mics and correct the audio angle
  • Test to see whether we meet the target metrics

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