Ram’s Status Update for 10/31
Tasks Accomplished:
Successfully set up the sampling from a single microphone using the DFSDM, and debugged it! It works correctly for now (right now, we’ve set it at low frequency – 8 kHz – but this parameter can be adjusted as needed so this should not be an issue).
Used the CubeMonitor to get a visual representation of the audio signal – tested it to make sure that it’s picking up real sounds (originally, we were just looking at bytes in memory locations).
Deliverables This Week:
Investigate what sorts of noise are most prevalent in the audio (there’s a DSP library allowing us to do FFTs – use this to get a frequency profile so we have a clearer idea of what other filtering on top of the DFSDM we might need).
Get two mics working – specifically, make sure that we can correctly set up two mics to sample in one data line, managing the interleaving etc. properly as needed.
Once we’ve two mics working, run the data through the AcousticSL library and test that we can pick up on the direction! (No display module yet, but we can check that the right value is stored at relevant memory locations).