Leon’s Status Update for 10/18

Leon’s Status Update for 10/18

Tasks Accomplished

  • Finished design review presentation and helped Ram present
  • Worked on design document
  • Iterated slightly on CAD design, currently pending receipt of all parts to confirm sizes
  • Did some preliminary testing with our optics solution
    • Looks promising, preliminary tests I was able to focus on the virtual image through the 22mm lens, although this was using my phone’s OLED screen to test

Deliverables for upcoming week

Parts have nearly completely all arrived, however the most important part, the MCU, is still in transit. This has caused us to go a bit behind schedule. This week I will be modularizing the rest of the CAD design (I have a optics module mostly set), and running tests on the optics and microphone systems. The MCU is scheduled to arrive early in the week, and I will put most of my focus on bootstrapping it for development so that I can hand it off to Ram and Will, allowing us to have synchronized toolchains and the ability to work in parallel.

This coming week I do have some midterms so time might be tight. If I’m unable to do my the MCU bootstrapping and toolchain setup, I’ll hand it off to the others.

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