(Please use this link to the pdf, not the one on the sidebar. That’s the old link to the docx with messed up formatting and I can’t figure out how to remove it ;_; )
Arjun’s Status Update for 21/11
This week I could not work on the project as much due to a large amount of other commitments. I had discussed with Krish about whether we needed any data pre-processing such as image stitching for the Machine Learning model that he was working on for chair detection. We decided that it wasn’t necessary for the situation, and that we would not worry about implementing that for the future.
Smart Library is a project that aims to scan a room(particularly a public space) and indicate how many seats are available for use. It also aims to analyze weekly/daily patterns of when seats are usually available, as well as take into account social distancing during the pandemic. Ideally, this will be placed in Sorell’s Library. The users can interact with the information through a website.
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