This week I wasn’t able to get as much work done as I intended due to job interviews and coursework. I originally intended to complete the UI development + all the app functionality for this week, but was not able to. Today, tomorrow, and Monday, I expect to complete all the UI development.
Here is an image of the app so far. I have a simple home screen which should display all the locks by name as buttons to click on and get more information. Clicks on the lock buttons will bring up a new Activity, where Username and time of unlock will be provided in a list for the past 30 days. At the bottom of the home Activity, there will be 2 buttons, 1 being lock and the other being unlock. These will provide functionality to unlock and lock the door remotely. I have not yet implemented these portions yet, but they should all be complete in the next few days because I will be working extensively on these parts. There is a plus button in the top right representing lock registration, which will bring up the Register Lock activity.
Here is the lock registration. There are a few text fields to fill out. This sends HTTPS requests to the local AWS server for these fields to be created. This should create data fields on the AWS server for a specific lock. I have not yet tested out the HTTPS requests yet, but will get to that tomorrow when me and Michael will work together to verify that the correct information is being inputted. There can be multiple errors, which will cause an error message to pop up right above the register lock button. For example, if the fields are not all filled out or if the lock ID is already registered, there will be an error message. After the request, there will be a response from the server with success or fail, and the user will be sent back to the home screen. I will also add a back button, which should take minimal time.
Overall, I am a bit behind schedule, but I plan to catch up this weekend and on Monday. I should be done with everything soon, and I have a really clear picture of what to implement and how.