Hi! Welcome to the project Kinisi page. We are the Apple Watch Exercise Form Correction Coach‒a product that allows you to exercise with your Apple Watch and receive intel on the form of your training. For each workout you do, it will analyze your form, tell you if you have good or bad form, tell you what exactly is bad about your form, and finally show you a skeleton of your form vs what your form should look like. Between the graphical and instructional data you receive, you should be able to improve your training and take it to the next level.
To deliver this product, we will need to provide a user interface for you that allows you to navigate the app and understand the feedback well enough to correct your form without external guidance. Next, we need to be able to automatically demarcate reps in a workout set. Then we need to be able to classify the issue the user is having from the demarcated data of each of their repetitions. Finally, we need to provide them with instructional and graphically generated feedback of what they are doing wrong, what they should be doing.