We’ve gotten behind schedule due to several key factors that we did not anticipate. We only have 1 out of 5 IMU chips that work, and we can’t exactly keep buying them because they’re about 33 bucks a pop. We’re working on a plan to have a regular staff with the working IMU that plays against a dummy AI staff. This way we can show proof of concept of our initial design, but we won’t be able to have an actual multiplayer game like we previously wanted. We’ve talked with our Jens and Professor Kelly about this possible alternative solution, and they seem receptive after watching us struggle to debug the IMU this past week. Also now that we have enough Raspberry Pi’s to successfully develop our communications systems in parallel with developing the IMU and the game progress code, we should be able to accelerate our timeline.
With just a little over 2 weeks left before our in-class demos, we want to create the full staff construction by the end of this week. This way we will only have to finish building the circuit and finishing off the final touches of the code.