Week 9 Update


This week, we tested the Pi Camera with the encoded message, and found that the Pi Camera will be high res enough, and we just need to get it to focus. We also found several “to do” items regarding improving our decoding pipeline.  We also worked on finishing the decoder, integrating the CV with the decoding algorithm.

Decoder – Snigdha & Shivani

This week we worked on finishing the decoder. We worked closely to tweak the CV and encoding pattern bit by bit in order to make sure that the shapes were being properly detected. From there, Snigdha worked on updating the decoder to work with the modified csv format and make sure that it was able to accurately decode the message. Snigdha also worked on modifying the encoding pattern to make it a better fit for the 4×6 paper when printed.

Pi Camera Tests – Shivani & Caroline

This week, we ran some tests on the Raspberry Pi camera setup together, with Shivani testing the recognition ability with the OpenCV, and Caroline controlling the camera and printer.


  • Pi camera is perfectly high res enough
  • Can easily see all 32 characters as small as we have them currently
  • Can fit it all onto the card size that we wanted


To Do

  • Camera saves large image sizes, need to resize and crop and do slight image processing
  • Figure out ordering and alignment
  • Determine exact distances and measurements for photos
  • Make prototype setup for photo taking so we can start using it for decoding
  • Ending line to determine which side is up
  • Last row of characters gets slightly cut off for some reason
  • Test color recognition and find range
Original Image from Rpi camera
Image after processing (cropping, increasing brightness, slight rotation)
Image with pattern detection

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