Michael-Spent the bulk of this week working on the design presentation and design paper. For this coming week, the goal is to have the web app working all the way up to being in the correct format to input into the machine learning algorithm. This involves sending file from javascript to python backend and then parsing it into the proper format.
Aayush – Spent this week trying out the ML Model to create an MVP for the chord prediction. Manually chose some songs in the C major scale and used these to train the network. The results were encouraging, so for the next week, I plan to generalize my parsing framework for the Wikifonia dataset (since for now there are certain hardcoded variables). I will try to train the model with all songs, and then filter songs that have complicated chords (suspended chords, uncommon modifications etc), and then compare results. The hope is to get an MVP that can then be used to label popular songs based on our ratings of the system.
Chirs – Most of my week last was spent preparing for the design presentation, and writing the design paper. For the past week, I also spent a decent amount of time studying the BLSTM model libraries and some existing code. In the coming week, I will work with Aayush to try to achieve an MVP which we can use our current dataset to train on and to get the model working for data input of four measures.