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Video Playlists

All lecture and recitation material for this course will available on the Carnegie Mellon Computer Architecture channel on YouTube. You can view the lecture and recitation playlists below.

Lecture/Recitation Playlist

2015 Lectures/Schedule

Week Date Lecture Readings Lab HW
W1 1/12 Mon. L1. Introduction and Basics
Optional HW 0 Out
1/14 Wed. L2. Fundamental Concepts and ISA
Patt 2001, Moscibroda 2007, P&P 1, P&H 1 and 2 Lab 1 Out HW 1 Out
1/16 Fri. L3. ISA Tradeoffs
MIPS and x86 ISA Manual HW 0 Due
W2 1/19 Mon. No Lecture (MLK Day)
1/21 Wed. L4. ISA Tradeoffs (cont.) & MIPS ISA
P&P 4, P&P A and C Lab 2 Out
1/23 Fri. R1. Recitation 1
Lab 1 Due
W3 1/26 Mon. L5. Intro to Microarchitecture: Single-Cycle
1/28 Wed. L6. Multi-Cycle and Microprogrammed Microarchitectures
P&H D, P&P C HW 1 Due
HW 2 Out
1/30 Fri. L7. Pipelining
P&H 4, Pipelined LC-3b
W4 2/2 Mon. L8. Pipelining II: Data and Control Dependence Handling
2/4 Wed. L9. Branch Prediction I
P&H 4.9-4.11, Smith & Sohi Lab 3 Out
2/6 Fri. L10. Branch Handling and Branch Prediction II
McFarling, Kessler Lab 2 Due
W5 2/9 Mon. R2. Recitation 2
2/11 Wed. L11. Precise Exceptions, State Maintenance, State Recovery
HW 2 Due HW 3 Out
2/13 Fri. L12. Out-of-Order Execution
In class exercise on Tomasulo
Tomasulo drawing template
W6 2/16 Mon. L13. Out-of-Order Execution and Data Flow
(PDF) (PPT) \\
Smith & Sohi, Smith & Pleszkun
2/18 Wed. L14. SIMD Processing (Vector and Array Processors)
Hwu & Patt, Smith & Sohi, Smith & Pleszkun Lab 4 Out Hw3.1 Out
2/20 Fri. L15. GPUs, VLIW, DAE
Lindholm et al., Fatahalian & Houston Lab 3 Due
W7 2/23 Mon. L16. Static Instruction Scheduling (PDF) (PPT)
Feedback form due
2/25 Wed. L17. Memory Hierarchy and Caches (PDF) (PPT)
Lab 5 Out HW 3 Due
HW 4 Out
2/27 Fri. L18. Caches, Caches, Caches (PDF) (PPT) Wilkes, Qureshi et al.
W8 3/2 Mon. L19. High Performance Caches (PDF) (PPT)
Panopto Video
MediaTech Video
Wilkes, Qureshi et al.
3/4 Wed. L20. Virtual Memory HW 5 Out
3/6 Fri. No class Lab 4 Due
W9 No Class (Spring Break)
W10 3/16 Mon. TBD
3/18 Wed. TBD Lab 6 Out HW 4 Due
3/20 Fri. Midterm 1 Lab 5 Due on 3/22 (Sunday)
W11 3/23 Mon. TBD
3/25 Wed. L22. Main Memory (PDF) (PPT)
MediaTech Video
HW 6 Out
3/27 Fri. L23. DRAM and RowClone (PDF) ii) TL-DRAM (PDF)
MediaTech Video
HW 5 Due
W12 3/30 Mon. L24. Memory Scheduling (PDF) (PPT)
Panopto Video
MediaTech Video
4/1 Wed. L25. Main Memory Wrap-Up (PDF) (PPT)
Panopto Video
MediaTech Video
Lab 7 Out
4/3 Fri. Review Session
MediaTech Video
Lab 6 Due
W13 4/6 Mon. L26. Runahead Execution (PDF) (PPT)
Panopto Video
MediaTech Video
4/8 Wed. L27. Prefetching (PDF) (PPT)
Panopto Video
MediaTech Video
HW 6 Due
HW 7 Out
4/10 Fri. Spring Carnival
W14 4/13 Mon. L28. Multiprocessors (PDF) (PPT)
Panopto Video
MediaTech Video
4/15 Wed. L29. Consistency & Coherence (PDF) (PPT)
Panopto Video
MediaTech Video
Lab 8 Out
4/17 Fri. L30 i) Performance predictability (PDF) ii) Cache compression (PDF)
MediaTech Video
Lab 7 Due
W15 4/20 Mon. Review Session Panopto Session (Temporary)
Panopto Video
MediaTech Video
4/22 Wed. Midterm 2
4/24 Fri. Midterm 2 Solution Review
MediaTech Video
W16 4/27 Mon. L31. Interconnection Networks (PDF) (PPT)
Panopto Video
MediaTech Video
4/29 Wed. L32. Asymmetric Multi-Core (PDF) (PPT)
Panopto Video
MediaTech Video
HW 7 Due
5/1 Fri. L33. Emerging Memory Technologies (PDF) (PPT)
Panopto Video
Panopto Video slides
MediaTech Video
Lab 8 Due
W17 5/5 Tue. Final Exam
Location: TBA
schedule.1425334301.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/03/02 22:11 by jeremie