Meeting Minutes: Meeting w/ Prof. Narasimhan Time: 01/26/04 @ 5:00 - 5:15 PM Where: HH A303 (Priya's office) Attendees: Prof. Narasimhan, Ackley, Boyer, Fry, Wilson Topic: Project Review ---------------------- * Priya inquired for purpose of database. - Fry described current intention for fault-tolerance - Priya suggested possible alternative uses: - Recording utilization statics, possibly for client billing - Suggested that DB is needed as effective learning tool to demonstrate state issues with fault tolerance. * Question of launching process from JAVA - Priya has code snippets - will forward to group * Overall: Priya liked the project, and seemed interested "No-one has suggested a project like this before" * Fry: requested metrics for "real-time" and "high-performance" Priya: think of "real-time" in terms of latency & throughput think of performance in terms of scalability (load, congestion) * Ackley: Do we need a GUI? Priya: No ----------------------------- Assignments: * Fry: - select & configure an MTA (existing or custom) for use now in the SpamAssasin tests, and later in our system tests choices: sendmail, exim, courier - create reusable test scripts to send mail from on-disk mail archive to MTA, and similar scripts to receive mail after MTA has processed it which records statistical processing time information - create a simple 'how-to' so rest of team could duplicate work later - expected completion: Monday (02/02/04) - investigate how to call JAVA from detached process - investigate how to spawn detached process from JAVA * Boyer: - evaluate various EJB vendors for suitability in our project - Select & Install an EJB distribution - Successfully run a simple "HelloWorld" distributed app using EJB - expected completion: Monday (02/02/04) * Ackley: - Prepare Test Plan / Use Cases - Update project website documentation - expected completion: Friday 01/30/04 * Wilson: - Define initial middleware EJB client/server interface - Initial draft sent to team by: Wed 01/28/04 - expected completion: Friday 01/30/04